Saturday, June 16, 2007

Classic Cinema Online is giving birth already!

I've been doing some hard thinking about some of the content I have on this site, and you know, with a name like, "Classic Cinema Online", I really should dedicate it exclusively to cinematic productions, but I've put content on here that isn't cinematic because it's still so entertaining.

I've really felt kind of guilty for this, so to appease my conscience and get it to shut the heck up -- you know, that little voice inside can get SO annoying! -- I've created yet another blog exclusively for the media content that doesn't belong on Classic Cinema Online.

So, because of this, you'll find that some of your favorite movies and cartoons are being moved from Classic Cinema Online to Classic TV, because those movies and cartoons were made for tv.

Additionally, remember those banned cartoons I was showing on the new classic retro site that I already took down because it just wasn't working out? (In all honestly, I just wasn't satisfied with the way it looked! Yes, I admit it, I'm a typical female who changes her mind often. lol!) They'll be on there, too.

Be forwarned -- I'm still not 100% satisfied with the Classic TV site, so it may go through a few more changes before I get it just the way I like it. I did that with this site before I finally got it to look the way I liked it, for now. Eventually something on here might change, too, like our ugly forum. I'm really trying hard not to look at it because it's so ugly. UGH! I might just take it down and let you all use the shoutbox for a while, since no one is using it anyway. I see some of you have signed up but no one has actually posted anything on there yet. I know it's ugly, but I promise it won't hurt a bit! And it's free, too!

SOANYWAYS that's it in a nutshell. Enjoy the new site! The link is in the menu bar on the right.

OKAY-OKAY, for those of you who are reading this via RSS reader, here's that link:

Go on and visit it and enjoy the heck outta yourselves! :D

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